Key features

    • Two Bedroom Bungalow
    • Stunning Secluded 140ft Garden
    • 24ft Garage/Workshop with Carport
    • Quiet Popular Location
    • Secluded Covered Large Deck Area
    • Large Living/Sun Room


    Set in a very quiet spot in the popular Greenhill area of Herne Bay, lies this desirable two bedroom bungalow with a stunning 140ft secluded garden. Internally, we have the two bedrooms to the front with the bathroom, well fitted kitchen and sitting/dining room in the centre, then the 22' living/sun room with French doors and full width windows overlooking the lovely gardens and large patio area. To round off this great bungalow we have ample off street parking, a side drive to the 24' detached garage and a very usable side carport/covered patio accessed through a large sliding side gate, along with a secluded, covered raised deck area to the rear of the garden. All viewings can be booked direct from the Purplebricks website.

    Property Description Disclaimer

    This is a general description of the property only, and is not intended to constitute part of an offer or contract. It has been verified by the seller(s), unless marked as "draft". Purplebricks conducts some valuations online and some of our customers prepare their own property descriptions, so if you decide to proceed with a viewing or an offer, please note this information may have been provided solely by the vendor, and we may not have been able to visit the property to confirm it. If you require clarification on any point then please contact us, especially if you’re traveling some distance to view. All information should be checked by your solicitor prior to exchange of contracts.

    Successful buyers will be required to complete anti-money laundering checks. Our partner, Lifetime Legal Limited, will carry out the initial checks on our behalf. The current non-refundable cost is £80 inc. VAT per offer. You’ll need to pay this to Lifetime Legal and complete all checks before we can issue a memorandum of sale. The cost includes obtaining relevant data and any manual checks and monitoring which might be required, and includes a range of benefits. Purplebricks will receive some of the fee taken by Lifetime Legal to compensate for its role in providing these checks.